Meridian Treatments

 Body Sense (Tai Chi Qigong) 

Chiropody / Podiatry

Counselling / Psychotherapy


Body Massage


Facial Threading





Chiropody and Podiatry
A chiropodist or a podiatrist is someone trained in the treatment of minor foot disorders and who also provides general footcare advice.
A chiropody treatment includes cutting of the toenails, the removal of in-grown toenails, callouses and corns and treatment for foot ailments such as verrucae, athlete's foot, sweaty feet, foot odour and dry / cracked heels. 

In addition, we also provide biomechanics (the study of posture and walking) and so are able to provide biomechanic assessment to check for flat foot, heel pain, knee pain, bunions, and other problems. 

The treatment is for people of all ages. In particular, diabetics may require professional chiropody foot care.
Chiropody is offered by Wendy.